An Alternative Approach

Personal Transformation

Self Discovery & Service

Each and every one of us is unique. Each and every one comes from a a unique set of experiences and circumstances which renders you decidedly different and on different paths. We’ve all walked many different paths before arriving at a place where we are ready to do something with our lives, to turn things around and transform ourselves.

We’re not dealing with anything superficial here. This is more of a place where you come to possibly find yourself… discover yourself… realise yourself. This is a place where we come to be whole. We come to complete ourselves here so we can move forward in a different way.

We provide an alternative approach through self discovery and personal transformation, to address serious afflictions that have made life unmanageable for members of the community. This is done through crisis intervention, counselling and workshops at our Centre in Plettenberg Bay. Find out more about what you can expect to receive from the Metronome Project when working with us at the Center by reading more here.